
May The Art Be With You Photography

Photography Summer Camp

5 days in-person workshop ended with an Open Studio Photo Exhibition.
Start Date: June 17th-21st

Location: Valley Spring (detailed location will be sent in the confirmation email)

One of my favorite ways to empower young people is to show them creative ways to express themselves.

Photography can serve as a way of communicating feelings and thoughts. Because of that, I want to encourage creative self-expression in our young generations.

Creativity and art are proven to help in dealing with stress & anxiety, and to boost self-esteem – these are just a few things among the many health benefits of being involved in creating art.

Start Small Business For Pre and Teens

Big Ideas Start Small – Business Hub for pre and teens

This 7-session workshop is designed to take each participant from an idea to owning a real business and making money. Each participant receives free registration to the Children’s Business Fair.

So far I am offering an online workshop for this. Please let me know if you would be interested in an in-person workshop and we could make that happen – GOLD COUNTRY AREA

Young entrepreneurs have little to lose, allowing them to fearlessly explore their potential by working hard and learning hard with a focus on success and the upside. In a world where so many people seek instant gratification, it puts true meaning to the saying, “If it was easy, everybody would do it.”